Know what to ask & why


Disclaimer: this blog post is our studio’s personal opinion, and it is based on our photography experience, working with over 6,000 weddings collectively. 

We make no guarantees or promises regarding any of the information or questions and answers in this blog post. You must choose to ask [or not ask] these questions at your own risk. Further, you can feel free to reach out to us privately if you have a question or concern that is not listed here.


There are so many questions to ask your photographer, as well as so many situations, that we know we can't cover them all here. But we have taken some of the top 15 that we are always asked.


  1. Who will be our photographer on our wedding day? It seems kind of obvious, but the person that you meet in the studio or speak to over the phone may not be the one who is photographing your actual event. Follow up to that by seeing their specific portfolio.
  2. Can I choose which photographer I want? More than likely, the studio manager will choose the specific photographers for your wedding based on your needs and your wants. You might have said that you were looking for a specific type of look. The studio manager knows which photographer is capable of delivering those finished images. However, if you recently if you were referred to the studio, and that specific photographer, let the manager know. It's nice to know that this team member was doing a really good job well out there in the field. That said, they may not be available for your actual date.
  3. We have specific religious and customs that will be taking place during our ceremony. Do we need to tell you about those now? How can we ensure that you will be aware of these as well as sensitive to what's going on?  Communication is the key. Just because you see photographs taken of brides and grooms in your specific religion or culture, don't assume that the studio is aware of everything. It is very helpful to give them a list of the special and different moments and the little details that pertain to your wedding day. Don't leave it up to chance or for a planner. For example, if you are having religious Mass during your ceremony, give the photographer a heads up that you do not want any photography during communion. Don't assume that they automatically know that. Also, if you have a specific custom that takes place rapidly, letting us know beforehand will make sure that we do get photographs of it! Perfect example of that, is breaking the glass during the Jewish ceremonies. Again, don't assume that the photographer already knows.
  4. Will there be a second photographer? And if so, is this person a qualified professional? Or are they just an associate or helper, or even in training? This question needs to be asked more often. Just because you see a second photographer doesn't mean that they are taking photographs for your event. They might be in training; they might just be there holding a camera bag.
  5. What's the difference between a second photographer and a lead photographer? For our studio, all of our second photographers are lead photographers in their own right. They each own their own freelance studio and may do portraits, headshots, commercial work etc., on the side. The lead photographer is usually the one who arranges the poses, maintains the schedule, and is probably the one that met the bride and groom and did their engagement session photos.
  6. What will you wear on our wedding day? This question is so important! I cannot stress it enough. If I had my way this would be question number one. You want your photographer to blend in, and yet be able to move freely. This usually means business casual. Majority of us all wear black. That said, for those of us that shoot weddings in the heat and humidity in the south, you will often find us in khakis and polos - but always looking professional. Female photographers on my team where black or dark navy business professional dresses as well.

   Your photographer should never wear athleisure or leggings. Neither should this person show up looking sexy or overly artistic. It's okay to have tattoos and face piercings of course, but an open back shirt, cropped top, strappy sundress, lots of cleavage or thighs is absolutely unacceptable.

   We have been to several venues that had two or three weddings going on at the same time, like the fancy Beach Resort hotels. It was shocking to see one of the female photographers wearing a tank top with no bra underneath. Seriously.

  1. Do you bring extra equipment? Do you have backup gear? It's not necessarily vital that photographers bring lights or umbrellas, or reflectors. But they should have a backup camera and Flash and extra batteries etc. This question usually sorts out and inexperienced photographer. Anyone who tells you that their camera is brand new and they've never experienced any problems before; or that they don't need back up gear [because they're not going to be there long enough, things like that.] Run!
  2. During the wedding, are we supposed to feed you? This is one of those catch-22 scenarios. While we do appreciate a free and hot meal, majority of the time, we just want to take a break. We know enough to bring our own snacks and refreshments. We would rather that you hold off on majority of the event during the dinner time. It's a good time for you to walk around and greet guests at each table, and still get photos, but the other photographer can be taking a quick break and they can rotate. Try not to do your toasts and your dances with parents during this meal break time. Nothing looks worse than a photographer who is chewing that last bite, while rushing to the dance floor or head table.
  3. Do we get a free engagement session? It's a good idea to do it engagement session with your photographer once you reserve the date. Most studios offer a complimentary session with the purchase of a package. If they don't, or you're on the fence about using them an engagement session is the perfect way to work with them, see their style, and get to know them.
  4. How many actual photographs will we get? We get asked this all the time. You can estimate that each photographer takes 50 to 100 photos per hour. Sometimes we take more because you have more guests and more events happening. Other times we take less because you have less people there, people aren't dancing, people are sitting around talking or drinking. So, it's hard to tell. This is more important to know if your photographer is using film.  
  5. Do you use film or digital? It seems obvious that your photographer is website will show whether they use film or digital, or a mix of both.
  6. How come we can't see all of the unedited images? This is probably the most popular question these days. Couples assume that we delete something that might be funny or silly, like an outtake or blooper. Actually, majority of us remove the blinks and blurs, anything that might be boring or not good for your actual album. Anything excessive, duplicates of the same shot, or something that puts the bride and groom in a bad light for example they might someone might be smoking in the background, someone's mouth is open really wide, anything you wouldn't want to see. There is no blooper reel. Just unusable material. There's no need for you to see them because the photographer doesn't want those to get out at all. Most Studios have a delete and gone policy. This means once they
  7. What happens if you become sick or injured, or have an emergency on our wedding day? It's important to know who the backup photographer will be. Most studios have a good network of friends where they reach out constantly, we all know each other favors here and there. But if your photographer does not have a backup, what is their recourse? Do you get your money back? That may not do you any good at 10:00 a.m. On your wedding day. 
  8. A follow-up to that would be, what do we do if the photographer is running late? Or stuck in traffic? Unfortunately, this happens a lot more to a lot more studios than the second injured. Majority of us have worked through illnesses. That's what Nyquil is actually for! But unpredictable traffic or a pile up on the freeway is a reality in Florida. When we are running late, we already have the mother of the bride or a wedding party or the maid of honor’s phone number. A quick call to her to explain what's going on is usually good enough. Oftentimes, other vendors are stuck behind the same accident.  We did a wedding during the weekend that Iron Man was downtown on Clearwater beach. Unfortunately, we had a huge wedding at the Sand Pearl Resort. We parked our car on the other side of the memorial bridge, and walked 1.4 miles dragging are bag of gear. The hour to walk was quicker than the 3 hours it took for the florist and the DJ to cross the bridge!
  9. Finally, my favorite question to ask is: have you ever shot at our venue before? Believe it or not, some photographers can live in the same town for 20 years and have never been to a specific venue, for whatever reason. This question makes your photographer think. They should tell you the truth, and then let you know how and when they plan on scouting the location before your actual date.


Asking these questions will also open up dialogues about your specifics, the details that are important to you, as well as if the studio you are interviewing is up for the task. You are going to be with your photographers for about 6 months to a year in most cases. It has to be a perfect match – and you know all about that!

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